Dr Laura Podcast Free Download

We trust the person at the other end of that scalpel. We trust the hospital. We trust the system. Christopher Duntsch was a neurosurgeon who radiated confidence. He claimed he was the best in Dallas. Reported and hosted by Laura Beil. Listen for free on.

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Kids & Family Podcasts >

As one of the most popular talk show hosts in radio history, Dr. Laura Schlessinger offers no-nonsense advice infused with a strong sense of ethics, accountability, and personal responsibility; she's been doing it successfully for more than 30 years, reaching millions of listeners weekly. This podcast offers a collection of Call of the Day highlights from the show. To get on-demand access to the full show every day, become a Family Premium member at DrLaura.com.

As one of the most popular talk show hosts in radio history, Dr. Laura Schlessinger offers no-nonsense advice infused with a strong sense of ethics, accountability, and personal responsibility; she's been doing it successfully for more than 30 years, reaching millions of listeners weekly. This podcast offers a collection of Call of the Day highlights from the show. To get on-demand access to the full show every day, become a Family Premium member at DrLaura.com.


Kids & Family Podcasts

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Relationship Podcasts


As one of the most popular talk show hosts in radio history, Dr. Laura Schlessinger offers no-nonsense advice infused with a strong sense of ethics, accountability, and personal responsibility; she's been doing it successfully for more than 30 years, reaching millions of listeners weekly. This podcast offers a collection of Call of the Day highlights from the show. To get on-demand access to the full show every day, become a Family Premium member at DrLaura.com.





Love In The Face of Tragedy

Mike, a 62-year-old widower, has been dating a woman from church for 3 years. Mike is a 'man's man' but now faces terminal prostate cancer and he doesn't want his girlfriend to 'waste time' while he battles his illness. His girlfriend thinks otherwise.

Acting How Others Think You Should Act? - Part 2

In Part 2, Angie tells her husband she talked to Dr. Laura and is now ready to be authentic, by acting and speaking truthfully. Angie's husband is ELATED she finally feels free to be herself.

Acting How Others Think You Should Act? - Part 1

Angie has been married 21 years and has noticed that she says and does exactly what she thinks her husband would want. Is it time for Angie to be her true self?

What Are The Benefits Of Being A 'Bitch'?

Debra grew up in a passive-aggressive household and has cultivated a catty and short-tempered personality that she describes as being 'bitchy.' After years of therapy, she hasn't been able to discard this personality flaw and she seeks Dr. Laura's help to change and salvage her relationships.

How Do We Move Forward From A Tragic Past?

Suzanne was sexually abused by her grandfather throughout her childhood. After more than 30 years of therapy, she is married and works to stop child abuse and neglect. Since her childhood, she has always had a difficult time being intimate and it is causing a rift in her marriage. What can Suzanne do to take back her intimacy after such a brutal history of abuse?

Stay Together For The Kids Or Call It Quits?

Pamela's husband suffers from a diagnosed anxiety disorder but refuses to get treatment even though the repercussions are devastating for their marriage. Pamela wants to know what she should tell her kids about their father's behavior and if she should even stay in the marriage.

Tattoo Gone Wrong

Bridget's husband already has two tattoos and they had planned for him to get a tattoo of her on his body. On their tenth anniversary, Bridget's husband surprised her with the already-completed tattoo. Bridget was surprised and underwhelmed. Should Bridget tell her husband the truth about her opinion of the tattoo?

Not Feeling the Sexual Spark? - Part 2

In Part 2, Rose says she does not feel that exciting sexual spark for her fiancé as she did for her random flings. Is this normal?

Am I Ready To Get Married? - Part 1

Rose comes from a negative family, and was unable to make many friends as a child. She has also struggled with anxiety. In her early 20's, Rose sought the attention of men through casual trysts and now that's she's engaged to a good man,she is nervous about the future nuptials.

Do You Have A Chronically Jealous Spouse?

Alyssa's wife accuses her of having workplace crushes and her wife's jealousy has cost Alyssa numerous jobs. When is it time to say enough is enough?

Can We Make Peace With The Past? - Part 2

Jessa finally told her fiancé about her decision to have an abortion eight years ago and his response will have you in tears!

Can We Make Peace With The Past? - Part 1

Eight years ago, Jessa had an abortion. As a person who is now strongly pro-life, that past decision still haunts her, but she has yet to tell her fiancé about it. How should Jessa go about sharing this struggle with her fiancé without it hurting their mutual trust and future together?

Is Your Spouse Helping A Family Member Misbehave?

Tanya's husband has allowed his grown-up son from a previous marriage to move into their home because he is experiencing 'marital problems.' While living at their house, the son has been actively cheating on his wife and Tanya wants him out.

Should Ex In-Laws Be Invited To Family Gatherings?

Kristin's sister separated from her husband over irreconcilable differences. But Kristin still wants to invite him over for holidays and large family gatherings.

What Is More Important?

Rebecca asks Dr. Laura if she should take her kids to see the new action hero movie instead of spending time with her dying friend.

Kindergarten Graduation?

Erin is a stay-at-home mom and her 6-year-old daughter is graduating...from kindergarten!! Erin is not comfortable with all the ceremony planned around moving on from kindergarten and does not want her daughter involved with an event that she finds superfluous.
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I'm Being Manipulated

Henry's wife has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and their lack of accessibility to resources has severely hindered her treatment. The couple has 3 children together and looking back, Henry feels like he was manipulated in past situations and recent circumstances.

Is Jealousy Normal?

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What if jealousy drives bad behavior? Tanya is 60 years old and her husband of 4 years has acted out in fits of jealousy. Tanya loves her husband and believes him to be a good man,but she's tired of his outbursts.

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My Husband Is A Workaholic

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Lee met her husband online and has been married for four and a half years. At first, her husband was sweet and attentive but soon after the wedding, he became work-obsessed and would rather travel for work and golf with coworkers than spend time with her. Lee is hoping there is a magic 'cure' for him to change, but wonders if it's time to face the issue and possibly leave.

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The Family Business Is Destroying Our Family

Kara is in business with her brother and she's tired of his verbal abuse at work. She isreluctant to walk away knowing it will drive a rift in her family and cause a financial hit, but her husband is tired of her being abused.

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