Microsoft Test Manager 2013 Download

In my current project we are using Microsoft Test Manager 2013. We have prepared test cases in excel. How can we upload prepared test cases from excel to MTM 2013.

Extension for Azure DevOps - Integrated test management system for all your manual, exploratory and user acceptance testing needs, with E2E traceability across the ALM stack. Upload test cases from excel to microsoft test manager 2013. Ask Question 2. In my current project we are using Microsoft Test Manager 2013. We have prepared test.

Naveen KumarNaveen Kumar

3 Answers

Additionally to the answer by @MrHinsh:

Check Create Manual Tests using Team Web Access and look for the question Can I copy test cases and test steps from an existing Excel worksheet? in the Q&A part.

Microsoft test manager 2013 download

I do this using the free tool tcmimport:

Dylan SmithDylan Smith

You can do this by copying and pasting into the test grid in the web access for TFS 2013. In the web access to to the test tab and for the test suit you want to add items to switch to grid mode. Then past in in the required format.

I recommend preparing test cases directly in Web Access or MTM. Your current workflow is a dysfunction resulting from Quality Centre use 😊.

Microsoft Test Manager 2013 Download
MrHinsh - Martin HinshelwoodMrHinsh - Martin Hinshelwood

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged testingtfstfs2013microsoft-test-manager or ask your own question.

For test scenarios using Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio Online (VSO) or Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2015, you won't need a test controller because Agents for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 handle orchestration by communicating with VSO or TFS 2015. For example, you're running automated tests with your build and release workflows in VSO or TFS 2015.

Microsoft Test Runner

If you need your test agent or test controller to work with TFS 2013, use Agents for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 and configure the test controller.

Where do I get the test controller and test agents?

These installers are available as ISO files (virtual CD) for easy installation on virtual machines. Can I mix versions of TFS, Microsoft Test Manager, the test controller, and test agent?

What system requirements do I need to install my test controller and test agents?

  • Windows 8, Windows 8.1
  • Windows 7 Service Pack 1
  • Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2008 Release 2, Service Pack 1
  • Windows 8, Windows 8.1
  • Windows 7 Service Pack 1
  • Windows XP Service Pack 3
  • Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2008 Release 2, Service Pack 1
.NET Framework.NET Framework 4.5

#TasksTo run tests using a test controller and test agents, you must also configure a test settings file after you set up those controllers and agents. In that file, you assign roles to your test agents. Those role values determine the machines that your test controller will use to run each test. See Setting Up Machines and Collecting Diagnostic Information Using Test Settings.



Set up and manage test controllers and test agents for remote and distributed automated testing using Visual Studio.

Run a test controller or test agents in Microsoft Azure Cloud Services.

  • Also, read this blog: Hosting Test Controller and Test Agents on Azure

Set up test controllers and configure security for test controllers and test agents in lab environments.

Set up test controllers and test agents to distribute load tests to multiple machines.

Configure test agents to run remote or distributed tests that interact with the desktop, such as coded UI tests.

Reconfigure the default ports that test controllers and test agents use to communicate so you can handle firewall restrictions and software conflicts.

Configure test controllers and test agents on machines with multiple network adapters.

Specify how long a test controller or test agent must wait for a response when communicating before failing with an error. Configure these settings if the default timeout settings are causing software conflicts in your topology.

##Q & A

###Can I mix versions of TFS, Microsoft Test Manager, the test controller, and test agent?A: Yes, here are the compatible and supported combinations:

Microsoft test manager tutorial

Microsoft Test Manager 2015 Download


Microsoft Test Manager, with Lab Center



2015: upgrade from 2013




2015: new install




2015: upgrade from 2015 or new install








Test Manager 2015 Download

##See AlsoConcepts

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