Xbox One Game Download Times

Xbox Association; Download times on Xbox One JDW_games. The install times for games however, are much, much slower than I expected compared to the PS4/PC. For me I get 50megabits/sec.

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Downloading a game from online storefronts like Steam or the Xbox Live Marketplace is the modern equivalent of waiting for your modem to connect to the internet circa 1998: They’re both long, arduous processes that we all know can happen much faster than they do.

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The good news is that just like broadband killed dial-up, Microsoft has introduced a new feature called FastStart that will drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to start a new digital game you’ve just bought.

Announced at E3 2018, FastStart is part of Microsoft’s July platform update that brings a number of small - but impactful - updates to the console. While some of these other updates are worth noting (pulling up a search bar from anywhere on the UI should be pretty nifty) the biggest update is FastStart.

According to Microsoft, games that utilize the feature will half the amount of time it takes from when a download begins to the moment you’re actually able to play it. You won't have to do anything extra to make it work besides updating to the latest version of the Xbox software.

Less waiting, more gaming

So how exactly does it work? FastStart-enabled games prioritize the most important parts of the game first, saving the rest of the data to download in the background while you’re playing the first few minutes of the game. You'll still need to download the entire game, obviously, but this will reduce the amount of time you're just sitting around watching a download bar inch forward.

The two big caveats here, though, are that games need to be FastStart-enabled by Microsoft and you'll need a download speed of around 20Mbps.

It's also possible that if your connection slows down while FastStart is still downloading a game in the background, you'll need to wait for the download speed to pick back up before you can continue playing.

Microsoft says a number of games available on its Xbox Games Pass program will be available to download using FastStart starting today and more games will follow suit sometime down the road - no extra developer work required.

Xbox One Game Download Times

  • What games should you download? Start with the best Xbox One games

Now that Sony’s PS4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One are out in the wild, you’ve probably seen or heard — numerous times — that the PS4 is the more powerful, more games-focused of the two, while the Xbox One is the more media-focused. We’ve been testing the two consoles side-by-side, and wanted to compare either’s install time, as well as the time it takes from inserting the disc to being able to play the game.

For our initial testing, we used NBA 2K14, as it is currently the next-gen game that looks most like something from the next generation, so it felt appropriate. The results were more interesting than you might think.

Install-to-play times

Both games install automatically once you put either disc in its respective console. After you skip through the splash screens on the PS4 version, you can instantly begin a Quick Game. That’s the only option, but that will differ from game to game. Killzone Shadow Fall, for instance, doesn’t have a sports-style quick game option, but the game sequentially loads levels. During install, the Xbox One took about six to seven minutes before you could load the game and access the same Quick Game option.

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As for the total installs, both are 43GB on your console’s HDD, about one-tenth the size of the stock 500GB hard drive. The PS4 full install took 36 minutes, while the Xbox One install took ten minutes more. The tests, however, were much more interesting than that. The PS4 was downloading a 2.3GB update (at about 1MB per second) during the full game install. We could not find this information on the Xbox One. It’s entirely possible the Xbox One version lumps the full install and update download together into one progress bar. However, we received and played the Xbox One version of the game days before the PS4 version. So, it’s also possible that — even though we removed the Xbox One install data before reinstalling it to perform our comparison — the Xbox saved the 2.3GB update data and it wasn’t lumped together into the full game install progress bar. So, the results remain a bit up in the air due.

Whatever the Xbox One was or wasn’t doing behind the scenes, the PS4 version still not only installs 10 minutes ahead of the Xbox One version, but gives you control of the game instantly, whereas the Xbox One takes about six minutes.

Game loading

Now that NBA 2K14 has been fully installed and updated on both consoles, we tested how fast a Quick Game loads from the menu to the second you have control of the game. Interestingly, even though the Xbox One takes longer to install and allows you to play during, once the game is fully installed, that version loads about six seconds faster than the PS4 version.

Next page: Console boot times, and overall speed

Average Xbox One Game Download Time

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