Download Torrent File From Magnet Link Online

  1. Download Torrent File From Magnet Link Online Store
  2. Download File From Link
  3. Download Torrent File Online
  4. Download Torrent File From Magnet Link Online Registration

Magnet Links not opening for you in Chrome!

Have you ever come across a .torrent file and noticed that Chrome can’t open magnet links? It can be rather annoying, especially if you are using those files quite frequently.

Below are some instructions on how to download a magnet links file with uTorrent, plus guidance on how to fix this problem for future so that Chrome automatically sends the file to uTorrent for opening.

AdHoc Guidance
1) Find the magnet torrent file.
2) Right click the little magnet icon in Chrome, then copy the URL.
3) Launch uTorrent / Torrent software of your choice.
4) Click “Add Torrent from URL”
5) Paste magnet link into field, press enter.
6) Download Starts.

The Basics of a Torrent File. In order to understand the differences between torrents and magnet links, you have to first get down to the basic principles that define each type. When you decide to download a torrent, you are basically downloading a tiny file that contains the information that you need from a much larger file.

6 steps, not bad if you just wanted to download a file or two. Way too annoying for anything more than that. See below for a detailed guide on how to apply a fix.

This was done using the (current) latest version of Chrome (33.0.1750.117 m) and uTorrent (2.2.1) on Windows 7 Professional 64-bit, although newer versions of Chrome and uTorrent should still work!

Permanent Fix Guidance
1) Hit the Windows key (not literally)
2) Type in “regedit” without the quotes, then press enter.
3) Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTMagnetshellopencommand on Windows 8 this is HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTSoftwareClassesMagnet
This is what you’ll see (below)

Where that arrow is pointing – you’ll want to make sure that is where your uTorrent is located. You may have a custom location, so be mindful of that.

4) Next, navigate to the following folder. C:Users[your_user_name]AppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser Data
5) Close Chrome completely before moving on to the next step. (Otherwise your change will not get saved)
6) Edit the “Local State” file using an editor of your choice (Notepad / Wordpad is fine)
7) Hit Ctrl+F and look for “magnet” – if you do not have this entry, then simply create it in the same place as shown in the screenshot below. This needs to be set to false

Download torrent file from magnet link online store

Download Torrent File Online

8) Save and close the file. All done!

As a side note, you may notice that when you click on a magnet links file, uTorrent may show the file as empty at first, but don’t worry … once you have click OK / Next, the files will start to download.

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