Cloudera Manager Installer Bin Download

Installation of Cloudera Manager in CentOS 7

SELinux must be disable.
Check the SELinux status, sestatus:

Sep 17, 2015 - Download and Run the Cloudera Manager Server Installer. Http: // /cm5/installer/latest/cloudera-manager-installer.bin. Aug 21, 2018 - We used the free version to set up the whole cluster. First, we need to download the installer of the latest version of Cloudera-manager. Cloudera Manager requires several databases. The Cloudera Manager Server stores information about configured services, role assignments, configuration history, commands, users, an.

To Disable SELinux, edit/etc/sysconfig/selinux
and change SELinux=enforcing to SELINUX=disabled
Then reboot the system.

Download the Cloudera Manager installer to the cluster host to which you are installing the Cloudera Manager Server:

Make it executable and run the installer


Cloudera Manager Installer Bin Download Free

Check the firewall rules, ensure that ports 7180 and 7182 are accessible on the Cloudera Manager Server.

Start the Cloudera Manager Admin Console:
In a web browser, enter the Cloudera Manager URL:

Log into Cloudera Manager Admin Console:
Username: admin
Password: admin

Cloudera Hadoop Node Requirements

Hostnames needs to be full FQDN, example:

Setup ntpdate

Cloudera Manager Installer Bin Download is the gateway

Cloudera recommends setting /proc/sys/vm/swappiness to a maximum of 10

Cloudera Manager Installation

and add
vm.swappiness = 10
to /etc/sysctl.conf make it permanent.

Cloudera Manager Guide

Transparent Huge Page Compaction when enabled can cause significant performance problem, disable it by running:

Cloudera Manager Installer Bin Download Free

And then add the same command to an init script as /etc/rc.local so it will be set on system reboot.

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